It's that time of the year again! People are stumbling over their words, texts are being sent incorrectly (maybe not even sent at all), technology is going all haywire, and the most common phrase you'll hear amongst your peers is probably "Darn Mercury Retrograde"!
If you've ever wondered why people make such a big deal about Mercury retrograde season, it's because Mercury is the planet that influences communication. Which means that one text you're dying to send? Maybe wait until after this period is over. Or that snarky comment you want to impulsively say out loud? Hold off until we're all a bit more level headed. The odds of theses statement being accurately received/ conveyed are NOT in your favor. Mercury retrograde is known to bring confusion, frustration, and a lack of clarity, so it's important to navigate through this phase as smoothly as possible and avoid unnecessary frustrations. This period can lead to everything from emails getting lost to travel disruptions, shifts in friendships and/or falling outs, brain fog, anxiety and headaches etc.
The last Mercury retrograde of 2023 will begin on December 13 and will last until January 1, 2024. This retrograde is in the sign of Capricorn, with the pre-retrograde shadow starting on November 25 and the post-retrograde shadow ending on January 20, 2024. You've most likely already began to experience the side effects of this tricky season, but don't fret! I personally believe we give this time period way too much power. It's important to stay grounded, and approach this time with a critical mindset; DO NOT allow it to dictate your major life decisions. Open your arms and just flow through it. The universe is still on your side, God still loves you, you are still protected, its just a murky time to be alive - but nonetheless YOU'RE ALIVE!
The retrograde period is also seen as a time for reflection and making changes. It's a good opportunity to focus on oneself and address any recent issues with a clearer perspective. Here are some writing prompts if you're taking on a journaling challenge or just food for thought for those who choose to go into hermit mode and take advantage of the astrological phenomena:
- What recurring thoughts or ideas have resurfaced during this period?
- Usually when a person gets defensive, it means there was a little piece of truth in the statement that was made. When was the last time I got defensive and why?
- Have I been too caught up in the whirlwind of tasks and information overload?
- What patterns or habits in my communication style have caused friction or confusion?
- What patterns, issues or behaviors from the past have resurfaced, and what can I learn from them?