Happy Tuesday ladies and gents!
Welcome to Foolish Beginnings where we encourage you to Trust Your Gut. This brand has been on the backburner for about 2 years now. Once a year I abruptly take inspired actions: buy a website, write a couple blogs and take some t-shirts photos but I never could go full speed ahead. There were a lot of limiting beliefs I had about both spirituality and myself. I knew I needed to clear those out of my system before this could become what I envisioned it to be all along. How did I do that exactly? I started studying different religions, I gave myself time and space to understand spirit, universal energy, God. I spent a lot of time in silence - silence can be so LOUD! My goal here is to cultivate a community of spiritualists and support individuals on their transformative journey towards self-discovery. I believe we are spiritual beings FIRST having a human experience. I am not married to a religion; however I do walk hand in hand with the Holy Spirit, the most high, divine energy. I believe in Karma, I believe in reincarnation, I believe in the principle of polarity so if there is a “light” then there certainly is a “dark” – one cannot exist without the other. I love when I hear people say they believe in heaven not hell – but how? Even better than that, I am a devil worshipper because I practice Tarot however that same accuser is sittin’ up in church every Sunday morning committing adultery with thy neighbor. GIVE ME A BREAK! These are the types of conversations we want to dig into! I want to share knowledge, have healthy conversations about SUPERnatural forces, expand our minds, and develop a better understanding of the world around us and our role in it. SOOO if you’re into that kind of STUFF, stick around, hang out, and join the conversation. Thank you so much for being here, I am so happy you decided to visit.
P.S. - If you're into tarot, I just want to take a moment here to appreciate the character depicted in our logo - I love it so much! SHE is a modern day version of the Major Arcana Card -0- The Fool. I rarely see a deck that has a GIRL fool so wahlahh here she is! She has SHORT hair because usually when a girl cuts her hair? It's game over, she's a brand new woman ready to take on risks and step into her empress energy. To give her a modern day twist, she is traveling with her cell phone and her backpack. Let me know what you think in the comments below :)
Thanks for staying this long!